Jeff doing what he does best

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1- Setting up shop :)

From the moment I heard about Jeff's condition I knew that I wanted to do something to help.  Saying that I was sorry to hear the news, or that I hoped he got better fast just didn't feel "right".

 He is a friend, a battle buddy, a mentor.  I remember when we were training in Virginia that he was the one who helped me on the pop-up range (if you don't know what that is, it's where you are supposed to shoot all the green men that pop up at you randomly).  His calm demeanor helped me laugh through it and quickly shake off the jitters. He's a real friend that will help you anytime you need it. No matter how hot it got in the desert, Jeff would always have a smile and a wave for you.

He's a Husband, a father, and a great Petty Officer.

Today I knew what I wanted to do, and with his permission, I am able to not only share his story, but hopefully help out in a big way. With all of YOUR support, we can make a difference for him and his family.

More to come in the next few days, so check back soon on how you can help!