Jeff doing what he does best

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hello Everyone,

It's days like today that make me think about what we should all be thankful for. I know it's not Thanksgiving, but since it is a holiday, the thoughts of friends and family come to mind.

I am so deeply grateful for the support shown for our dear friend Jeff Napier and his family. And even more importantly- the news that he is free of cancer.

I wish you a Happy Easter with your friends and family, and especially a Happy Easter to the Napier family.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Greetings everyone! I received the best phone call from Jeff's wife today. After another scan, it has been shown that there are no more cancer cells!!! YAY! This is the news that we have all been waiting for, and I am so happy to share it with you! Jeff will still be taking the last 3 rounds of chemo just to be on the safe side-but everything is looking great. THANK YOU- so much for all of your support these last few months. I know it means a ton to Jeff and his family.

Now MY question is....When's the P-A-R-T-Y! :)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Checking in Again!

Greetings fellow Battle Buddies! It's a chilly-rainey day here in southwest, MI and I thought I'd update our readers on Jeff's progress.

I've been in touch with Jeff, and he says he's not feeling too bad. He completed 3 rounds of chemo, and has  a bit of time off before the next one. He really appreciates all the comments and words of encouragement left for him, so GREAT JOB guys and gals! :)

I've also given him administrator privileges on this blog, so you may see a message directly from Jeff from time to time.

On another note- I've noticed a huge decrease in the activity with the Battle Buddy site. Remember you don't have to donate to help a Battle; just stopping by and leaving a few words in the comment section can make all the difference.

Have a wonderful week!


Monday, February 28, 2011


Here's to wishing you a wonderful Birthday buddy! Hope you are feeling good today!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Every Little Bit Goes a Long Way

Hi Folks,

Well it's another late night early morning for me, and I can't seem to sleep. I've been thinking about Jeff, and the Battle Buddy Fund since 2am.

I would like to say THANK YOU again (because I know you can't say it enough) to those who have opened their hearts and wallets to helping such a great person and his family. This isn't just about raising money to help pay the bills, this is also about supporting a friend and Veteran.

I know that with these economic times, some of you out there just don't feel comfortable donating money, but instead of thinking about what you "can't do"just think about what you CAN DO! :) As I've posted previously- If anyone reading this wants to send a card, letter, words of encouragement- you can do so by emailing me at and I will gladly send you Jeff's mailing address. There is so much more that YOU can do for this family and your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.

What better way to lift a person's spirits than to leave a few words of encouragement. Jeff checks this site and I'm sure would be happy to see any and all comments left for him. In the mean time, keep spreading the word and hopefully we can make a huge difference for this fellow friend.

On a side note- I just checked into a new reserve station and was talking to some of my fellow sailors about the Battle Buddy Fund. One of the guys (who I've never met before) actually saw the link come across his Facebook page! WOW! Thanks to everyone who has been posting about this site, together WE are spreading the message!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I can't wait to get home and start working on my next project for the Battle Buddy Fund. More to follow.....


Monday, February 21, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Hey folks, AO1 here- Sorry I've neglected the page the last week. I've been busy playing catch up with the move- new job- battling snow storms... but none of that is as important as what Jeff is going through RIGHT NOW. I've noticed that as strong as we were in the first week or so, the emails have been falling a bit short. Please PLEASE continue to reach into your heart and continue to spread the message about our dear friend. The battle isn't over yet, it's only just begun!

Thank you to the fellow buddies who are working on independent projects of Jeff's cause, please feel free to send me updates at I am happy to share any information that you would like to see go up on the site. :)

Until next time,


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank YOU!

Dear Battle Buddies,

It is with great pleasure I am able to inform you that I was able to send Jeff's family their first check for 1900$!! If it wasn't for your generosity none of this would be possible. Thank you for answering the call!

I spoke with Jeff and he said that they were able to pay off 6 different medical bills, and are now gearing up the next round. He also said he is feeling pretty good, and THANK YOU to everyone who has helped so far. :)

I'm truly thankful to everyone who is following this blog, spreading the message, and doing what part they can to make this difficult time a bit easier for a fellow friend. It isn't over yet, so keep on doing what you're doing Battle Buddies. Together we are making a difference!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Roll Call!

Hey Battle Buddies,

Just a quick THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far. Together, we have raised over 1700$! This is some seriously much needed cash to pay for medical costs and it is VERY much appreciated!

Just a couple things that I wanted to put out:

1) Jeff is at home now after receiving his first full round of chemo. I'm being told that he's feeling decent, but is having the obvious side effects. Please continue to leave comments under these postings- Jeff has been reading them, and it's a great way to show your support when we can't talk on the phone.

2) Jennifer (Jeff's wife) says THANK YOU to everyone for helping out and spreading the message. She will be sending me photo's soon, so stay tuned for some visual updates.

3) Please continue to do what you are doing best, which is spreading the word. None of this would be possible without YOUR support!!

Great job Battle Buddies- Enjoy your Super Bowl weekend and continue to keep the Napier family in your thoughts and prayers!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

All Hands On Deck!

It's currently 7pm in Niles, MI and I've been pouring over the computer for the last hour searching for a new way to get the word out about a dear friend of mine, Jeff Napier.

 A few weeks ago Jeff was informed that he had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Not easy news to swallow, but even worse... his insurance would require him to pay 15% of the medical costs. Not even 3 weeks into the news his family was hit with a 600$ PET scan bill that they would be required to pay themselves. (on top a mortgage, groceries, gas, utilities) I guess the saying is true, "when it rains, it pours," but this is a lot for one family to take on alone, and it's not going to stop there..

Then an idea formed.  It all started with a conversation between two friends, "how can we help?" Then it hit me. Start a website! Since you are obviously reading this, you know that the site was put up.. But yet there is a lingering feeling that we can still do MORE!

I'm sending out an All Hands request, an urgent plea for ideas BIG or small. Individually we are spread throughout the country, but when we put our heads and hearts together... We are UNITED!  I'm talking about posting flyers with the website, bake off's, raffles, silent auctions within community groups. C'mon people, this is our brother in his time of need! We are in this for the long haul, 6 months is the minimum Jeff will be treated, and in that amount of time, who know's what will happen. Talk to your local Bars, organize a Pub Crawl. Talk to your local printer and see if they will screen T-shirts for a discounted rate! The possibilities are endless when you put your mind to it. ;)

Alright, I'm going to peel myself away from the computer for the night.. But Jeff, if you're reading this.. I'm not going to stop spamming people, I won't quit until you receive the all clear!!


Jeffs Progress

Hello Battle Buddies!  Just a quick update.  I had the chance to talk to Jennifer last night and get an update on Jeff's progress.  Yesterday he had his first small dose of the chemo drug to make sure that he responds well to it. It was a success! He is feeling pretty good (as good as one can) and will have the same thing today.  If all goes well he will be ready to start full chemo treatments, and hopefully they will be able to bring him home by Saturday.  Just in time for the Superbowl!

I've been getting questions about what else we can do for Jeff in addition to taking donations.  Jennifer has agreed to give me their mailing address for those who wish to send cards, and letters of encouragement.  Please email me directly at for the address.

On another note Battle Buddies- So far we've exceeded 1300$ WOW! Thank you THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to get the word out and donate!  None of this would be possible with your generosity and support. Please keep doing what you do best, and spread the message. Together, we are making a difference for the Napier family!

Remember, Jeff still has a long road ahead of him!  Let's pull together and walk beside him to ensure that he knows he is not alone.

God Bless


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

**Up Date**

I had the chance to text with Jenn while she was with Jeff in the hospital today. As you can see from the photo below, Jeff has maintained his sense of humor.
Notice what his "special request" is! haha

Anyone who has spent any amount of time with Jeff knows that he has a keen sense of humor, just before he went "under" he asked the doctor if he would take him to IHop! :)
All Smiles!

The Strength of a Battle Buddy

The strength of a Battle Buddy is not measured by physical ability,
Nor of mental stamina.
It is not the amount of weight lifted at the gym,
or hours standing the watch.
It is not the amount of days spent together,
the number of laughs shared, or tears shed.

The strength of a Battle Buddy comes from within.
It is measured by the heart, the ability to give support.
Anywhere. Anytime.
It is the bond that links us when faced with adversity.
It is the phone tree's.
The words of encouragement.
The silent prayers.

To be a Battle Buddy means to stand side by side-
knowing that where ever you are, whatever you need, there will always be
a Battle Buddy at the ready.

We are all pulling for you, and with you Jeff.

                                          Richards, Steve, and Jeff at WTP in Kuwait

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can't Stop Us Now!

Hey everyone, just a quick update on our standings. So far we've raised 440$ today! That is AMAZING! A HUGE heartfelt thank you goes out to all who have donated and are continuing to spread the word. Without YOUR help, this wouldn't be possible!

Please continue to spread the word, and remind your friends to follow the site directly for up to date information and progress reports about Jeff. God bless!


Assemble the Troops!

GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! Today I was able to set up the pay pal account and get it linked to the bank account I set up yesterday. (big THANK YOU to the staff at Bank of America!) Now all you have to do is click on the donate button to the right of the page, enter in the amount you'd like to contribute and you're all set. If you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one or include a special message, please email me at and I will be sure to include your message and donation amount (if requested) in the following day's post.

On another note..
I received an email from Jennifer (Jeff's wife) and with her permission, I am going to share with you an email she wrote:

"Very awesome Ashley,you did a great job. I have to tell you when Jeff got off the phone with you today he actually blew out a sigh of relief, I know ever since he found out we would be responsible for 15% cost of his treatment it has been weighing on his mind very heavily, especially since I am a full time student(not employed) and he is not going to be working for a few months. He is way too proud to ask anyone for help so your offerering to put up a website came at just the right time. As he is preparing for the fight for his life I want only positive thoughts on his mind, not stress about how much his medical bills are going to impact our family. When he was told he had cancer, he was more concerned about me and how I was going to cope, then himself. It is the kind of guy he is. Enough of that though, what I am trying to say is thank you, you are REALLY appreciated!

Last week he received a PET, CAT, and Bone Marrow test that confirmed the cancer has not spread so he should not need radiation which is really good news. It has remained localized which is a real blessing with this kind of cancer. Tomorrow at 10am he will be receiving a port and a MUGA scan to make sure his heart can take the chemo drug.If all goes well Wed. he will receive his first dose, they are keeping him until Mon. the 8th for monitoring.The first couple of treatments will be hospitalized because the tumor is thought to be attached to a section of his small bowel loops and they are concerned as the tumor shrinks it might perforate the intestines, he will need immediate surgery if that is the case. We are praying that does not happen and that I can bring him home on the 8th. I will let you know how the port and the test goes tomorrow. Thank you again for all your support. It makes my heart swell with pride to see much Jeff is loved!"

Take care and God Bless,

It makes my heart burst with pride at the out come of support that has been shown thus far. YOU are doing a wonderful phenomenal job at getting the word out!!  Now it's time to "assemble the troops", and show this family all of our very best support. <3 

Jeff and I at the range in Williamsburg, VA. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1- Setting up shop :)

From the moment I heard about Jeff's condition I knew that I wanted to do something to help.  Saying that I was sorry to hear the news, or that I hoped he got better fast just didn't feel "right".

 He is a friend, a battle buddy, a mentor.  I remember when we were training in Virginia that he was the one who helped me on the pop-up range (if you don't know what that is, it's where you are supposed to shoot all the green men that pop up at you randomly).  His calm demeanor helped me laugh through it and quickly shake off the jitters. He's a real friend that will help you anytime you need it. No matter how hot it got in the desert, Jeff would always have a smile and a wave for you.

He's a Husband, a father, and a great Petty Officer.

Today I knew what I wanted to do, and with his permission, I am able to not only share his story, but hopefully help out in a big way. With all of YOUR support, we can make a difference for him and his family.

More to come in the next few days, so check back soon on how you can help!